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Hotline #939
November 27, 2015
NARP Council Member Barry Green made the case for strong investment in America's passenger trains in the Billings Gazette this week, calling on Congress to invest in connecting people, not in paving roads:
"Our country is at a crossroads with our transportation needs as a U.S. House/Senate Conference Committee reconciles the differences within the Surface Transportation Bill, H.R. 22, known as the DRIVE Act. In Montana, passenger rail service in the form of Amtrak provides a very important means of public transportation for an aging population, those that have medical needs and limited transportation options and also provides an economic benefit to tourist destinations within the state.
"Congress needs to stop funding specific transportation “modes” and focus on enhanced connectivity between intercity trains and airports, intercity buses, local transit, cycling and walking, and cars for seamless multi-modal transportation options for the public."
Moody’s Investor Services has cast doubt on the ability of the state of New Jersey to come up with their share of the $20 billion needed to build new rail tunnels under the Hudson River.
The state has exhausted its current transportation funding resources and will need to identify new revenues or significantly cut costs to issue debt,” argued the report. “Although the states have yet to identify specific funding sources, their contributions will ultimately be borne by taxpayers and transportation users in the New York City metropolitan area. Additionally, at least a portion of Amtrak’s cost is likely to be paid by riders.”
New Jersey argues that it will be able to find a source of revenue for the project by 2017, when construction is scheduled to begin.
The NARP November/December 2015 newsletter is out. It includes an update on the transportation bill, a NARP member profile and highlights from the Fall Meeting. This is the last newsletter of 2015. The next newsletter will arrive in January 2016.
Automotive fatalities on U.S. highways soared 8.1% in the first half of 2015 according to data released this week.
Americans responding to low fuel prices by driving more, with U.S. roads seeing a 3.5% increase. The increase in deaths far outstrips the increase in mileage.
“These numbers are a call to action,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx. “Everyone with a responsibility for road safety -- the federal, state and local governments, law enforcement, vehicle manufacturers, safety advocates and road users -- needs to reassess our efforts to combat threats to safety.”
NARP thanks those members who have sent in industry-related news stories, op-eds, editorials or letters to the editor from your communities. We include them in our social media efforts, along with the weekly Hotline. Please continue to send your news to NARP’s communications director (bwilson@narprail.org) and we will continue share it with the membership. Finally, please follow NARP on Facebook and Twitter.
The Japanese government has agreed to invest $40 million into Texas Central Railway, the private company working to build high-speed rail between Dallas and Houston.
“Japan Overseas Infrastructure Investment Corp. won approval from the transport ministry to spend the funds, according to a statement Saturday on the ministry’s website,” reports Japan Times. “The money will be spent through the Texas Central Partners, a private group set up to develop a high-speed line between Houston and Dallas that would link two of the state’s biggest commercial hubs in 90 minutes.”
Attention all NARP members in good standing: Now is your opportunity to become involved in the direction and leadership of NARP by running for a State Representative seat on the Council of Representatives (the Association’s volunteer governing body) during the upcoming January 2016 election. Serving on the Council is a wonderful chance to collaborate with others who have a common interest in improving passenger train service across the country.
Any NARP member who has paid dues for at least one year, is at least 18-years of age and is a U.S. resident is eligible to run. Members interested in running must complete and submit for review and qualification a Candidate Information Statement by 11:59 p.m. on December 1, 2015.
Members elected to the Council of Representatives will serve a two-year term starting March 1, 2016. Complete information on the duties and responsibilities of serving on the Council of Representatives, along with detailed specifications on the election procedures can be found on the NARP website under ‘Join the Council’.
NARP is only as strong as the leaders who step up and share their time and talents in working towards our collective goals. Please consider becoming one of these leaders and help make a difference in the future.
An independent media analyst examined claims by opponents of the California High Speed Rail that the project has been abandoned by the private sector, and found them to be baseless.
Politifact analyzed California Assemblyman Jim Patterson’s (R-Fresno) statement that the California High Speed Rail Authority has "failed to disclose huge cost overruns and after they boasted private firms were interested in funding this project, we now know these firms are unwilling to put up any private money.”
After interviewing industry leaders such as AECOM and Siemens, Politifact determined the statement was “mostly false,” containing some element of truth but ignoring critical facts.
The Rail Passenger Association of California and Nevada (RailPAC) will hold its annual meeting, "Steel Wheels Conference 2016: A Year of Possibilities," on December 5, 2015. The event will be held at the Los Angeles Metro Board Room at Union Station. The keynote speaker will be Amtrak board member Yvonne Brathwaite. Attendees will also hear from industry leaders who will present their thoughts on growing a mobility network for California. Registration is open, and we're encouraging NARP's California members to attend this event. Click here for more details and to register.
"The support from the Rail Passengers Association, and from all of you individually, has been incredibly important to Amtrak throughout our history and especially so during the last trying year."
Bill Flynn, Amtrak CEO
April 19, 2021, speaking to attendees at the Rail Passengers Virtual Spring Advocacy Conference